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4K+ Screenshot
I know many peoples asked me how to takes screenies in 4K without a 4K monitor.There's different way to do it, the first is with AI Upscale with NVIDIA Ansel but honestly, this is not providing the best quality.There's a proof:
Ansel vs Real 4K
And there is the "DSR" upscale though NVIDIA Control Panel.And I bet it's the most common thing used by everyone. It force your screen to upscale to a higher resolution.But I will not talk about it because there is already enough guides around anyway.
There is a Simple Tweaks options to take upscale screenshot but for somes reasons it don't work for everyone, specially with high resolution and also you can't really rely on editing shaders while you are in higher resolution.
I'll show you today how I setup mine.
First you need two "Dalamud" plugins:
"XIVWindowResizer" and "QoL Bar"
Thanks to AlexCSDev for this great plugin.
*check the FAQ at the end if you encounter issues installing the plugin.
And here's his own guide at how it work:
Okay so now, that's about it.Let's go for QoL Bar, it's a very nice plugin that i'm using to create "circular" menu exactly how is it in Genshin Impact menu.
You just have to press a button, and it open that circular menu where you can add infinite things to it.Step 1
First, add the condition to use that menu only in GPOSE, unless you want to switch to 4K+ even outside.
write /qolbar in your ingame chatbox,
go to "Condition Sets" tab,
Press on the "+" to add create a preset
(name it how you want)
Add Condition Flag exactly how I did it below.
To give a test, just write /gpose in your ingame chatbox and see if all conditions are turned green instead of red.
I don't know if there is for real a "GPOSE" condition but "WatchingCutscene" work as well.
Step 2
Now go in Settings TAB, and be sure "Appear in Center" is turned off while "In /gpose" is turned on"
Step 3Copy my preset for 3840x2160 (4K):
Or 5120x2880 (What I use):
Go to "Bar Manager" TAB and press on "Import".
Ignore your ingame chat warning.
Step 4
Don't forget to set our "condition preset" that we did during the step 1 on the newly imported setting.
Then press the "O" (options) and setup a keybind for pie.
I'm using myself: ²
And we're all done!
Now just go to GPOSE and stay pressing the keybind you choose just before. It should now appear a menu with 3 buttons. Use your mouse to choose one.
FAQ:Why I don't see the plugin?
You need to enable BETA plugin in the Dalamud Setting.
(It's the first one in the experimental tab)
It's the most common question I've receive recently.
You do not even need to repository cause the plugin is in the Dalamud Package itself.My Reshade is reloading itself!
When resetting/upscaling your game, Reshade is disabling or loading again itself. You have to enable it again if like me, your forced it to turn off when launching the game.I can't see the radial menu anymore!
If you don't see the menu, that's maybe because you hide ingame UI to take your screenshot.More
Few shaders can look different when upscaling, take the time to get used to it; specially Depth of Field.Please use the Reshade screenshot feature cause others tend to not capture it in upscale.If you still need any help you can contact me though twitter or Discord: "Ardecia"